9 ways to get the most out of your morning routine

Morning routines aren’t something I’ve always been accustomed to. It took a while to figure out what worked the best for me and my needs. But let me tell you, when I nailed it down...it was a game changer.

A morning routine sets the tone for the day, gets your mind focused, and gets your body in the right state so you can get the absolute most out of your day and crush it. 

It’s funny because my fiancé pointed out to me the other day when my morning routine was abruptly interrupted by events out of our control, that my whole demeanor shifted and made me bothered, annoyed and super on edge the rest of the day. Who knew doing a few morning rituals each day could have such a huge effect on your mood. 

So let’s talk about what works for ME, because what works for me might be different from what works for YOU. It’s all about testing out things, and finding what best suits your needs and wants from your body.

  1. My morning routine really starts the night before. I try to finish eating an hour or so before we lay down so that my digestive system has time to stop working & just rest. I also try to shut my eyes for the night anywhere from 9-10. Call me old but this girl needs her beauty rest and my body needs it’s time to regenerate and heal. Rest is so important for muscle recovery, skin health, mind health and also gut health. Those are all really important things to me, so adequate amounts of sleep is an absolute must for me, as I have learned the hard way.
    Less Sleep = More Stress = More Raised Cortisol Levels = MORE STRESS = Terrible Health/Impaired Immunity and Overall Poor Quality of Life.

  2. Waking up before the sun. 5:00 am is when my internal alarm clock goes off. In the practice of Ayurveda, the belief is that an hour and a half before sunrise there is a great positive shift in energy, allowing you to synchronize with the sun. This is a great time to be at peace with yourself, meditate or work on breath work. There are some great tools to practice breath work, or just simply being still in that moment can do wonders for your mind & body. Meditation and being still requires daily practice, nothing is perfect especially meditation, but you have to find your own flow of doing it. This is something I am definitely not a pro at, but I’m having fun experimenting with it. For me during this early time of energy shift, I find peace with visiting with my plants, and feeling out their energy, making sure I am keeping them alive and thriving.

  3. Drink 3 cups of hot water. Every time I say that I think of my acupuncturist Dr. Kim, and he was totally right. He would probably disapprove of my squirt of fresh squeezed lemon juice in it, but hey plain water can be so boring. What’s the magic with the hot water? I think of it as a way of waking up the body with a “warm comforting shower” by getting the blood circulating, the metabolism moving and the organs awakening. When everything is circulating correctly, inflammation is at bay and bad cells & bacteria have less chance of surviving.
    The body has been in a state of rest and regeneration for several hours, so why would the first thing you introduce to it be dry, dehydrating caffeine? Instead, get a head start on your water intake! I start with 3 cups with a squeeze of lemon, slowly sip it and really experience the water. The taste, the smell, how it feels going through my body, and listening to my body thank me for rehydrating it. I then do my daily scoop of Alkalizing Vitamin C in another 3 cups of more hot water for immunity boosting benefits. Now I’m 48 ounces into my daily water intake and it’s not even 6 am yet! Winning. Now you may drink your coffee ma’am!

  4. Gratitude. Give thanks and gratitude to your special people, to the life you have, to the amazing day you are about to have, to your ability to work, and to just be able to breathe. This is a time when I get a snuggle with yancé and we enjoy each other before we roll into the day.

  5. Make your bed!!! My mom is probably dying laughing reading this right now but she was right. When you make your bed, it sets the tone for your day (and it satisfies her OCD mind..jk mom) It allows your mind to start out organized. When the space around us is cluttered, our minds can feel the same way. And it also just feels damn good to get into a freshly made bed at night.

  6. Put the phone down! I try to hold off from looking at my phone for as long as I can in the morning, and sometimes it’s really hard to not get lost in the scrolling habit first thing in the morning. Not only is the blue light 100% real, and so damaging for our eyes and skin, it’s also very unsettling for a bright, obnoxious screen be the first thing your eyes see when it awakens. So much stressors are released from that tiny device. Photo aging is increased, collagen over time is broken down, and hyperpigmentation can become increased. For a skin expert, these are all things I am trying to decrease with my clients and myself, so let’s try to put the phone down a little more, if we can.

  7. Time to lift some heavy stuff 💪🏼 make some gains, and move the body. I’ve come to realize that if I don’t work out, or get some sort of elevated heart rate movement first thing in the morning, my entire mood is no bueno. I am not a person you will enjoy being around that day. And being in the industry of skin-body-vibe-connections, it’s a must for me. Like brushing my teeth everyday, it’s just not something I even question. Bodybuilding is everything to me; the mental challenge, the ability to push myself everyday, to see myself grow stronger and to feel the powerful struggles mentally and physically is something that is so passionate to me. Whether it’s bodybuilding or if it’s a hot yoga class, find something that you love to do for AT LEAST 40 minutes and do it. Moving your body daily is not only great for your health & fitness goals but almost just as important for your mental health.

  8. Feed the Body (and the muscles.) Food is fuel for me. Yes it’s delicious, but everything I put into my body serves a purpose. I ensure that everything I eat is good for me and is going to deliver my body and muscles the right nutrients that it needs. Getting a balanced meal first thing in the morning full of color, healthy fat, protein and complex carbohydrates is essential for me thriving throughout the day. I always start with a blueberry green plant protein smoothie and whatever other whole foods my body is craving that morning. The rest of my meals are always planned, packed and ready to go for the remainder of the day, so I don’t have to even think about what I’m going to be eating later. Prioritize & planning your meals for the week ahead is the key to being successful with your personal health goals.

  9. Daily Skincare & Sunscreen. I had to add this one of course. But really it’s about getting my appearance ready for the day because let’s face it, when we look good and are happy with our presence to the world, we feel good! My daily morning skincare regimen ALWAYS includes Sunscreen. If it’s light outside, the sunscreen goes on. It does not matter if you are not in physical UV rays of sun, the sun will find you and it will harm your skin. BUT we need that good Vitamin D from the sun so instead of avoiding it, simply just protect it! Healthy sun exposure is the best kind. Just be cautious of that ingredient list, check and research for unnecessary chemicals and irritants. I love combining my Environ RAD SPF with an Organic Oil/Tinted SPF combo to give me the ultimate glow-y complexion that makes me feel so confident. Feel better, Glow better to the world!

    My morning routine may or may not sound like your ideal morning routine, but do some experimenting and find what works best for YOU. Try out a few of these, or find things that appeal more to your lifestyle. By creating your own morning routine, it enables you to start your day out calm, functional and in a state of equilibrium.

    Comment below what are some of your favorite morning routine rituals!

Sophie Jilley