7 Reasons You Need a Monthly Facial....(#7 is the Most Important!)


You get your nails done every 2-3 weeks. You get your roots touched up every 4-6 weeks. You get your teeth cleaned every 6 months. But what about your face? 

The first thing that people see when making a first impression. Most neglect their skin or don’t even realize the importance of monthly facial. 

Not sure why it’s important? That’s okay! I’m here to tell you the top 7 reasons why you NEED to be getting a facial every 4 weeks for optimal skin health. 

1. Get your glow back

Remember when your skin used to have that youthful glow to it? When you could get away with just putting a little bit of tinted moisturizer on, and you were good to go? That is my goal with every single one of my clients. I want you to feel so confident in your naked skin that you can rock that natural look (with SPF of course!) Make-up is meant to enhance, not to suffocate your skin because you can’t stand what’s underneath. All that suffocation leads to aging, oily, acne, and dull skin. No thank you! Getting regular facials can give you back that confidence you lost along the way, and allow you to fall in love with your skin all over again. Let’s get you that youthful glow back.

2. Let a pro deep clean your pores.

Professional Products + Professional Techniques = Professional Deep Pore Cleaning! Think of it as going to the dentist… they know the right tools, products and techniques to use in order to give your teeth that deep, thorough cleaning to allow you to maintain your regular brushing & flossing at home. Leave the deep pore cleaning to me, so you can maintain with proper cleansing techniques at home. As a bonus, when your pores are super clean, they appear smaller & smoother. I recommend once a month for my normal/dry skin types, and for my super oily/acneic clients every 2-3 weeks until we can get your skin under control. 

3. Detoxify your skin & mind.

We live in times where the amount of toxins we absorb from the environment is absurd. Facials are a great way to detoxify the skin of air pollution, dirt/oil, & bad toxins. Not only is the skin being detoxified, but the mind has the ability to be detoxified, rested & put in a place of serenity. The complete detoxifying experience will leave you lighter, clearer and in a place of homeostasis.

4. Professional skin analysis

A lot of people are using 10-15 different creams everyday, and a lot of times it is very unnecessary. Or they are using products for a completely different skin type than their own. Facials enable me to do a thorough skin analysis & pinpoint exactly what YOUR skin is lacking and needs. 

5. Prevent the dreaded aging process

Skin can shed 30,000 dead skin cells every minute and produce 3.4 fluid ounces of sweat every day, add to that the environmental damages that we come into contact with daily, your skin will start to show signs of aging fairly quickly. Did you know the average woman only spends about 15-20 seconds washing her face!? That is just not long enough to prevent those signs of aging…no wonder skin can look dull & just BLAH at times. The key to anti-aging is to PREVENT beforehand, and not wait until you see the signs appear. It’s much easier to maintain healthy, youthful looking skin rather than waiting until it’s too late.

6. Education!!!

I love to educate people on the skin. The body. How what we put on our skin is just as important as what we put in our bodies. The two go hand in hand. My years of knowledge and constant researching enable my clients to get all the best secrets when scheduling regular facials. The key to aging gracefully inside & out is a complete package. 

7. A whole hour (maybe longer) focused on just YOU!

I advise my clients to switch the phone on vibrate, tune out the noise of kids arguing, and put the countless hours of studying on hold. This is about YOU. What other time would you have just to yourself than in a facial? When your mind and body feel better, and when your skin has this gorgeous glow to it, you can operate so much better during your everyday activities. When you look better, feel better, you are a better person! Spoil yourself....you deserve it more than you know. 


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Sophie Jilley